Call for Papers International Symposium inComparative Sinology


Call for Papers: International Symposium inComparative Sinology

Organized by theInternational Center for Comparative Sinology, CUMT

This event will bring together researchers andartists from China and elsewhere in the world, to present ground-breakingresearch in the interdisciplinary field of Comparative Sinology. Held in Xu Zhou,cradle of Han civilization, the academic component of the symposium will takeplace June 8-9, 2015, while a cultural program will be provided for interestedparticipants and for less formal exchange between scholars, June 10-12 (theexact dates will soon be confirmed).

The acts from this Symposium will be publishedin an international collective book (the organizer has previously worked withCambridge University Press and Stanford University Press; it is likely that ourbook will be published with one of these, or somewhere similar). Contributionswill be 20 minutes each, and accepted articles between 8,000 and 10,000 words.

Participants are invited to present originalresearch in the Humanities, or other forms of expression such as writing,drama, film, or artwork, which will allow for cross-cultural comparisonsregarding Sinology (approaches, content, findings…). Although there may be anemphasis on Comparative Literature, other disciplines are welcome insofar asthey shed light on Sinology today, in a specific context. Likewise, literarystudy should be contextualized. We are looking for creative, rigorous contributionswhich enlarge our understanding of the intersections between China and theworld, linked to the specifics of culture and identity. This may include, but isnot limited to, the following themes:

·Comparative Sinology: definition,boundaries, and future

·Methods of cross-culturalSinology

·Sinology in the West/ in Asia/in the rest of the world

·Comparing Sinology in China andabroad, with regards to a theme

·How Chinese writers are studiedin a given country, as well as the appellations and content of Sinology, andthe fields in which it is included (Asian Studies, China Studies…)

·Themes of Self and Other,stereotypes, and confrontations between cultures, as portrayed in literary andother works.

·Inter-ethnic issues, betweenChinese and the majority population of the adopted country, but also inrelation to other immigrant and minority groups, and to gender.

·Genre fictions, literarytechniques, and the relation between what is written on Mainland China and whatis written by people of Chinese descent living in a specific foreign context.

·The importance of Han culture,history, and literatures in contemporary writings.

Please note: The language of the symposium and the publication willbe English.

Send your proposals of 1-3pages, including a brief bio, by December 22, 2014 to:

Dr. Kate Rose,

Depending on what has beenreceived, late proposals might be considered.