


题目:Evolution of Cycling

主讲人:John Hobkinson




 John is from the town of Harrogate in the north of England, famous for its tea and its cycling. He has degrees in the fields of science and ancient history and has previously served the British Government in a number of capacities. His work has taken him all over the world and has now found him settling in Xuzhou for the past several years teaching English, first to children and now at CUMT. John has travelled to many parts of China on a bicycle and will no doubt go to many more in the future.

  Lecture Synopsis: Cycling is one of the fastest sports in the world. As a sport it has been growing in popularity more and more over the past decade and the past few years have seen it take centre stage for both its controversy in regards to performance enhancing drugs, and the growing dominance of British riders in both the last two Olympic Games, and three of the four past Tour de France’s. People think that cycling has been around forever, but it has only really developed into the form we recognise today in just over the past one hundred years. Where did cycling come from, and where is it going?


