


HumanitarianPragmatics for Teaching Intercultural

Englishin Chinese EFL Classes


Dongfang Zhong and William Richeson


‘Global’ English research revealsthat speakers of many non-native ‘Englishes’ are using English as their commonlanguage in service encounters in international settings. In internationalmedicine, business and hospitality/tourism, people depend on English for cross-culturalcommunication. However, the cultural factors that cause communicationbreakdowns and cross-cultural conflicts and misunderstandings persist, andEnglish language proficiency alone has not resolved these culturally affectedcross-cultural conflicts. This paper and presentation extend work from agrowing number of studies outlining and applying aspects of communicationprocess particularly suited to inter-cultural communication. Non-violent Communication(NVC) (Rosenberg 2003) and other communication pragmatics have been synthesizedand presented to on-the-job professionals. This presentation will suggest waysthat English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction in China could include thesehumanitarian pragmatics for cross-cultural conflict resolution to preparestudents for on-the-job English needs. Data analysis includes the methods ofAppraisal Theorists (AT) and linguists using Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG).In the data analyzed, intercultural discourse pragmatics are shown to lessenthe impact of social forces and power relationships and improve cross-culturalconflict resolution skills in participants’ discourse. From the educationalview, EFL courses which include humanistic, global English features can helpstudents be communicatively adept at handling cross-cultural and interpersonalconflicts in the workplace. Research into communication process on the job hasinspired new teaching methods. Some sample activities and strategies forteaching intercultural pragmatics in Chinese EFL classes are provided.





William Richeson CV, July 2014.docxABSTRACT Dongfang Zhong Sanya University Hainan China and William Richeson University of Kentucky Lexington Kentucky USA.docx